I started blogging about some years ago. I tried very hard to blog about myself and it often came out with nothing! Of course there were a lot of stuff going on in my life but I was worried it would be misinterpreted if I put it online and god knows who might read it! Now food is a different thing. It's almost like a universal language everybody can relate to and it's much easier for me to make people understand. Since 2009, I've been posting pictures of food I've tried and giving my personal views on them. Just a reminder - I'm neither a certified food critic or a professional photographer (I've yet to own an DSLR and most of my pics are shot from my mobile phone). I'm just an aspiring foodie and I'm here to share my thoughts on the food I've tasted. No puns intended.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

I'm feeling a bit cuppycakey today...

So I got for myself this pretty cupcake from Primadeli ($2.20). Well, pretty it may seem but this cupcake is disappointingly - just a normal chocolate sponge cake topped with buttercream icing and bits of chocolate chip. To add a bit of fun, they placed a plastic butterfly on top of the icing. Nice to look at but definitely not my kind of cupcake. Baby S enjoyed it though and get this - the plastic butterfly is decoration cum accessory! Well, that should make up for the lack of a real cupcake taste.
Looks good on Baby S right?

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